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Nice spotlight on Bryan, Brian! A gem the organization has always regarded highly, as the 40-man roster add back in '18 showed! Thanks for mentioning and linking my TRS piece! I'm amazed at how many "baby Astros" I highlighted 4 and 5 years ago are just NOW breaking through, but such is the nature of baseball...it takes some "simmering on the stove" for many players to reach their potential.

I also remember (besides Mike Elias) the "O-Stros," as I called them, also hired away the 'Stros' Director of Decision Sciences (!), Sig Mejdal, obviously trying to re-create the now-winning Astro blueprint over in Baltimore, at least in the analytics department!

I remember, in '18, Mejdal traveled the entire 'Stro minor league circuit, charged with the task of teaching/training the staffs and players on just how to TRANSLATE the meta-data from these vast troves of analytics onto the playing field! Unless and until THAT can be done, of course, no progress or adjustments can be made, and "those analytics" on which the Astros were hanging their winning rep, would just become pointless.

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