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Insightful deep-dive, Brian! Front office drama, for me, anyway, is a "trust the process" endeavor, which is why I appreciate your dissection! As compared to the action on the field (the importance of clubhouse chemistry notwithstanding), front office interplay boils down to nothing but interacting personalities, which you certainly laid out.

Brown HAD to have considered--heavily--personality-meshing when considering the job!

Fans should hope Crane will suspend his megalomania at least to the point where he will simply let Brown assert whatever insights and experience he's amassed thus far, and trust HIS process to improve drafting, as well as the PD arena as he sees fit.

If ALL Crane does is include Brown into the merry-go-round of "and-what-do-YOU-think"s around the crowded conference room table, that will be a huge disservice to his new hire, and what may end up as (yet another) short-lived GM tenure, will also rob the team of discovering how the talents for which he was hired could translate to on-field success.

The autonomy Crane afforded Luhnow in leaving his stamp on the team's turn-around should be the very least he extends to Brown to keep this winning train rolling...along with, of course, the requisite corner office!

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